Peter, Pamela And Percy In The Big Spill (Paperback)

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Peter, Pamela And Percy In The Big Spill (Paperback)

(3-7 years old) children's book


Peter, Pamela and Percy in the big spill is a children's story written in rhyme and aimed at 3 – 7 year olds. The title is based on the true story of the ship 'Treasure' which sank in June 2000 just North of Cape Town and caused an oil slick that harmed thousands of sea birds. People came from far and near to help rescue the penguins in an enormous clean-up operation. In order to buy time to clean the beaches and the sea, aproximately 16000 penguins were shipped from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth by truck to swim back to CT (with some luck, because no one knew for sure what they would do, but they were counting on their strong homing instinct). The whole of South Africa tracked the progress of these 3 rescued penguins, Peter, Pamela and Percy, who were equipped with tracking devices, as they swam home.

Peter, Pamela And Percy In The Big Spill (Paperback)


Product Description

  • Publisher: Other Publisher
  • Categories: None
  • Barcode: 9780620410465



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